Friday, October 12, 2007


juz a short one before i leave.. yup.. thanks for claudia and hock de comment.. i will jia you de.. and hock praised me that i have mature liao.. yup.. thanks for that.. i will move on.. and strive harder to be a GOOD influencer and a GOOD motivator :)

follow up activities
12/10 fri :
1) swimming at jurong east complex in the afternoon with jianyong, kweepeng and zhaoxiang
2) night drama skit by eileen, my cg fren, as main actress.. watching with church frens

13/10 sat:
1) meet early in the morning with victoria and sengyap.. travel down to vivo..for movie + lunch
2) service.. woohoo.. bring vict and sy along.. woohoo!!

14/10 sun: cg meeting in the afternoon
15/10 mon: celebrate surprise birthday party with zhiyuan or
16/10 tue: jap lunch buffet at marina with yanhao.. shiliang and weihong.. :)

17/10 wed: unplanned

18/10 thu:
1) go back to sch for course briefing in the afternoon

19/10 fri:
badminton and eat guo tie with mao.. yanhao and weihong... celeb mao birthday

20/10 sat:
1) morning breakfast at amoy street hawker centre with aunty cindy and mary.. my treat:)
2) service

21/10 sun:
1) cg meeting
2) celebrate alice bd.. dinner/lunch.. undecided.. :)

woohoo.. 10 more days.. chiong ah.. live every day of my life to the fullest.. FULLEST..!!

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